Notable Changes
Game play
- TR Butcher animation glitch has been fixed
- Striker Changes:
- Increased damage to ground vehicles
- Increased initial speed from 50 to 60
- Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
- Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
- Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking
- Reload time decreased to 3.4 seconds from 4 seconds
- Viewmodel size adjusted
- PFX_Projectile_NC(/TR/VS)_Tracer_BulletLarge_Aircraft_1stPerson effect count changed from 1 to 2
- Visual changes to TR and NC HA overshield effects
- Socket Adjustments for TR_LMG_005 and VS_SniperRifle0004
- Texture changes for some rocks from Amerish
- Adjustments to lots of Indar props
- Reduced smoke from TR muzzle flash
- LOD Distance on Archer adjusted
- New effect for projectile_FirstPersonCard_NC(/TR/VS)
- Added FLAG_SURVIVES_PROFILLE_SWAP to AbilityEx. All flags are 0, except 1111503, 1111504