End of Service: 6/01/2025

Hello all!


It’s with a bit of sad news that I write a new post here for the first time in quite a while. This is the public notice that I will be taking binarycoder.info offline at the start of June, 2025.

As for why, I’ve just simply not had the drive or time to devote to properly maintain these sites. I haven’t been on PlanetSide 2 for quite a while, though I do keep up with the going’s on. So instead of letting the sites decay and to reduce my expenses, I think it is finally time to close it down.

Hopefully this is enough time to archive any content that people want to keep. I won’t be releasing the source for stats.binarycoder.info, it’s some very mediocre PHP that I would honestly just have to pull off of the web server. But I do have the code that it was based on in github if anyone wants to port that to something else.

I want to thank everyone who’s helped out over the years, like the ps2ls group for their tools and advice, to everyone from JOKE and BWAY for the fun and comradery, and everyone from SOE/DBG for making a game and world worth diving into.


Loyalty until Death, Strength in Unity.

– binarycoder

GU 38 Enhanced Patch Notes

Enhanced Patch Notes

October 29th, 2015

Game Update 38 / Victory Points Update / GU PEARL ELEPHANT

Patch Notes


Victory Points
Continents will no longer be captured by alerts and territory control alone! Victory Points are a new method of scoring within the game. If your faction earns the required number of Victory Points, then the continent is yours! The continental VP scoreboard is shown at the top of the Map screen. Mousing over each faction will bring up the “Points to Victory” window, which breaks down progress and overall score.

There are a numbers of ways to earn VP:

Permanent Victory Points

·Link your warpgate to enemy warpgate = +1 VP
·Link your warpgate to both enemy warpgates simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock
·Capture all Techplants = +1 VP
·Capture all Amp Stations= +1 VP
·Capture all Biolabs = +1 VP
·Capture all major facilities (Amp, Bio, Tech) simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock
·Win Alerts = +2 VP

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