End of Service: 6/01/2025

Hello all!


It’s with a bit of sad news that I write a new post here for the first time in quite a while. This is the public notice that I will be taking binarycoder.info offline at the start of June, 2025.

As for why, I’ve just simply not had the drive or time to devote to properly maintain these sites. I haven’t been on PlanetSide 2 for quite a while, though I do keep up with the going’s on. So instead of letting the sites decay and to reduce my expenses, I think it is finally time to close it down.

Hopefully this is enough time to archive any content that people want to keep. I won’t be releasing the source for stats.binarycoder.info, it’s some very mediocre PHP that I would honestly just have to pull off of the web server. But I do have the code that it was based on in github if anyone wants to port that to something else.

I want to thank everyone who’s helped out over the years, like the ps2ls group for their tools and advice, to everyone from JOKE and BWAY for the fun and comradery, and everyone from SOE/DBG for making a game and world worth diving into.


Loyalty until Death, Strength in Unity.

– binarycoder

GU 38 Enhanced Patch Notes

Enhanced Patch Notes

October 29th, 2015

Game Update 38 / Victory Points Update / GU PEARL ELEPHANT

Patch Notes


Victory Points
Continents will no longer be captured by alerts and territory control alone! Victory Points are a new method of scoring within the game. If your faction earns the required number of Victory Points, then the continent is yours! The continental VP scoreboard is shown at the top of the Map screen. Mousing over each faction will bring up the “Points to Victory” window, which breaks down progress and overall score.

There are a numbers of ways to earn VP:

Permanent Victory Points

·Link your warpgate to enemy warpgate = +1 VP
·Link your warpgate to both enemy warpgates simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock
·Capture all Techplants = +1 VP
·Capture all Amp Stations= +1 VP
·Capture all Biolabs = +1 VP
·Capture all major facilities (Amp, Bio, Tech) simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock
·Win Alerts = +2 VP

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GU 36 Unreleased Content

Disclaimer: All items shown in this post are retrieved from the game files in a raw form. While (sometimes very) educated guesses can be made about their purpose, their intent and release status is known only by the devs themselves. Some of this will be in the next patch, or the next 3, the next year, or never see the light of day. Overall, it’s not in the game until it’s “in the game.”

Also, it’s primarily models, as they are the most noticeable changes, and the most interesting to view. If there are any effects or code changes, they are generally tied to the models anyway. Specifically for this patch, the models are really the only new content anyway.


Now, lets get down to business. In this patch, there was a lot of files relating to the upcoming ANT update, as well as some other mentioned, but unannounced content like the Colossus tank. There is also the usual Player Studio Cosmetics and other general content.




ANT Files




(Note that these are approximate renders, as the textures do not appear to be complete on these.)


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GU 36 Enhanced Patchnotes

Enhanced Patchnotes

September 4th, 2015

Game Update 36 / Augtember Update / GU DIAMOND PONY

Patch Notes

NEW Empire Specific Anti Vehicle Weapons (MBT/Harasser)


· NC – M96 Mjolnir: Affectionately referred to as “The Boombox” by many NC soldiers, the Mjolnir’s burst fire explosive rounds excel against armored targets in close quarters engagements.
· TR – MR11 Gatekeeper: Based on a modified Fracture design, the Gatekeeper retains the feel of its forerunner but incorporates a faster fire rate and projectile speed while increasing overall accuracy.
· VS – Aphelion VEX-4: This experimental laser weapon can tear through enemies with sustained fire, but an interesting side effect causes a build-up of residual energy while firing that can be harnessed into a devastating blast.

NEW NS Lock-on Rocket Launcher

· NS R3 Swarm: The three round clip-fed NSR3 Swarm’s relatively low velocity lock-on rockets are capable of tracking targets for an extended period of time. Variable fire modes provide the user extended control over missile velocities, allowing them to tailor the strength of the weapon to their engagement.

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July Update Patch Analysis

July 23rd, 2015

Patch Notes



  • Blink and you might miss it! Providing a new tactical approach to troop deployment, the new Sunderer Cloak is now available for certification points in the Sunderer Loadout screen.
  • Burst weapons feel a bit underwhelming to you? These have now been upgraded to provide a more rewarding experience. Take a look in the Depot!
  • New Player Studio items are now available for purchase! Assault in style with a new helmet, armor decal, and more! Look for additional items to release over the next month!


  • Squad Beacons near the majority of squads members will be squad spawn options regardless of range
  • Beacon spawn range changed from 600 meters to 1,000 meters


  • Small arms do less damage to Valkyries
  • Valkyrie bottom armor increased to 50%
  • Increased weapon thermal range from 50 to 200


  • Sunderer stealth cert line has been expanded, a new fifth cert has been added that when equipped not only provides all the perks of rank 4 stealth but also generates a cloaking bubble when deployed that cloaks all friendly infantry within it.


  • Infiltrator cloaks now have additional states based on movement.
    • Crouching no change
    • Crouch walking is now much less visible
    • Standing is now less visible
    • Running is slightly less visible
    • Sprinting, no change


  • Small damage increase to ground vehicles
  • Increased initial projectile speed from 50 to 60
  • Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
  • Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
  • Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking

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PTS Unofficial Patch Notes- 7/14/2015


Notable Changes


Game play

  • TR Butcher animation glitch has been fixed
  • Striker Changes:
    • Increased damage to ground vehicles
    • Increased initial speed from 50 to 60
    • Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
    • Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
    • Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking
    • Reload time decreased to 3.4 seconds from 4 seconds
    • Viewmodel size adjusted


  • PFX_Projectile_NC(/TR/VS)_Tracer_BulletLarge_Aircraft_1stPerson effect count changed from 1 to 2
  • Visual changes to TR and NC HA overshield effects
  • Socket Adjustments for TR_LMG_005 and VS_SniperRifle0004
  • Texture changes for some rocks from Amerish
  • Adjustments to lots of Indar props
  • Reduced smoke from TR muzzle flash
  • LOD Distance on Archer adjusted


  • New effect for projectile_FirstPersonCard_NC(/TR/VS)
  • Added FLAG_SURVIVES_PROFILLE_SWAP to AbilityEx. All flags are 0, except 1111503, 1111504

Locale Changes

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Test Unofficial Patch Notes 6/24/15


Official Patchnotes HERE[1]

New Images: Imgur[2] | Reddit[3]

New Models[4]

NOTE: The PS4 and PC version appear to share files, so there may be a few things listed here that are PC or PS4 specific. As I do not have acccess to a PS4, I am unable to determine which is which, but I’ll try to make an educated guess when I can.

Second Note: I’ve created a survey HERE[5] , I’d appreciate if you’d take a moment to answer it so I can know where to focus my efforts in the future.

Now, on to the main course…


  • ESF Afterburner tanks have been removed and highest rank made default. All certs refunded. Note: Does not seem to be functioning properly. Tanks are no longer available, but the bonus fuel does no seem to be applied.
  • Added a bunch of new Helmets. (Not available in depot)
  • Added a bunch of new decals. Too many to upload to Imgur, and a majority seem to be duplicates of existing ones. If you really want to see them I can make a few albums…
  • Bunch of new Profile Backgrounds. (Currently the only new thing available on PTS Depot.
  • Read More

June Game Update Patch Analysis


Released 6/17/2015

Table of Contents:

Official Changelog:

System Requirement Change:

  • PlanetSide 2 on the PC will now require a 64 bit operating system.

New Weapon:

  • NS-AM7 Archer (Engineer) – The Archer anti-material rifle was developed by Nanite Systems to counter the heavily armored MAX, providing an effective option at range for dealing with the unique threat of the exo-suits.
  • Gold/Black variants


  • Sunderer Blockade Armor rear armor has been reduce to match the other sides
  • Awareness/Render changes
    • Awareness based off damage, players who you damage or damage you are calculated as high propriety and are more likely to be rendered to each other
  • Infantry awareness/render range now takes loadouts into account, players with a long range weapon in there loadout can be render up to 600 meters away, depending on the weapon; this includes AV MAXs and Sniper Rifles.
  • Butcher horizontal recoil has been reduced from .225 to .213
  • Tank Mines will now detonate on MAX units
  • TR MAX Lockdown deploy/undeploy times have been modified
    • Undeploy time changed from 2 seconds to 1 second
    • Deploy time changed from 1 second to 2 seconds

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