Unreleased Content

The following are models, images, or other items that have been found in the game files, and are yet unreleased or upcoming. I will do my best to keep this list up to date, but if you notice something, let me know!


Click the thumbnails for full size.

Upcoming/Incomplete Contnent

Preview Description Status
ncesavncesav2tresav tresav2vsesavvsesav2 Empire Specific Anti-Vehicle Weaponry “Still working on them” – BBurness [Reddit]
ncnewplayericon_Helmet_NC_Male_All_NewPlayerDirective_128x128trnewplayericon_Helmet_TR_Male_All_NewPlayerDirective_128x128vsnewplayericon_Helmet_VS_Male_All_NewPlayerDirective_128x128 New Player Directive Reward Helmets Available on PS4.
NS Machinegun NS MAX Heavy Machine Gun Models and partial itemization.
Fireworks Grenadevia /u/shaql Particles only.

1tuQcT1Wh53w3R VWt1WMS

Eradicator Rocket Launcher Model only. New lock on method also in files, unsure if they are related.
scope scope2clip NS Rocket Launcher Clips and sights. Related to Eradicator, but may also be a move for changeable attachments on other NS Rocket Launchers


RT LMG005 Replacement or new TR LMG. Model only.Others, not in the files, can be previewed here.https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/3ec7ea/high_res_lmg_models/

Unreleased/Scrapped Content

 ncgoggles trgoggles vsgoggles

ES Goggle Helmets

Variants for both male and Female, female has googles on head. Equipable via Dev Commands.

 nclook1 nclook2 ncupgrade trlook1 trlook2 trlook4 trlook5

Base Helmet Upgrades

There are alternate models of some of the class specific helmets that are listed as “upgrade,” and gradually add new parts to the base helmets. Equipable via Dev Commands.

 nchelm1 ncforman nchelmet2 nchelmet3 nchelmet4trhelmet trhelmet3 trhelmet4 vshelmet2 vshelmet3 vshelmet5 vshelmt1

Unused DGC Created Helmets

There are a few unreleased helmets for each faction that were not created by the Player Studio. A few have been teased in the past, but are currently unreleased

 trhelmet2 vshelmet4

Standard Holographic Variants

Variants of the holographic helmets with standard visors.


The Mask

Originally meant to be standalone, the mask never released, but is instead featured in some Player Studio Helmets

 thrasher thrashercockpit

The VS Thresher

Only the cockpit file is available in the game files. Looks similar to planned Vanu Sovereignty variant of the Empire Specific buggy concept art.


Recon Drone

A NS Recon Drone was planned but not yet implemented.


Deployable Rocket Pod

Engineer Turret, unused.


Personal Shield

Unknown of intended use.


Alternate TR Turret Shield


Default Turret Shield


 BFG- Big F-ing Robot

Only an easteregg from PS1.

…For now.

 city1 city2 city3 city4 city5 city6

 City Props


 Seahurs Props

 electronics kit

 Remote Electronics Kit

Probably for use with recon drone.


Command Uplink Tablet


Orbital Strike Tool


 Grenade Launcher


 MAX Grenade Launcher


 MAX Flamethrower


 In game models for alternate grenades

 iffdoor iffdoorframe

 IFF Doors

Removed during OMFG.


 King Of The Hill Command Console

Note that the model is duplicated for the bridge control consoles, but both variants still  exist.

 ncmasxmelee trmaxmelee vsmaxmelee

 MAX Melee weapons


 NC Bipod attachment


 EMP Mine


Beta Galaxy Deploy Shield

Leftover from closed/early beta. Would appear on galaxy deployed, and could act as an AMS.


 AV Base Turret


 TR Riot Shield


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